General Photo Album


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This picture was taken the year before I decided to have surgery to lose weight.  I am not sure what my weight was in this snap shot but it was over 300 pounds.  My top weight was 324.  I was 315 pounds on the day of my surgery.  At 5'3" tall, I don't know how I managed to get around.  I had already gotten many health problems.  I was diabetic and on medication.  My back hurt all the time and I could hardly sleep for the snoring.   I had all but given up on diets.  In fact I dieted myslef right up to 300 plus pounds.  I tried to tell myself I was happy.  I liked myself.  I had forgotten what it felt like to feel good. 


Here I might add a description of the photo above, including such information as when and where it was taken and why it's important to me.